What is a Skin Tag?

A skin tag is a harmless tumor that looks like a piece of hanging skin. It is usually narrow where it connects to the skin and then grows to a larger ball or oval. The medical name for a skin tag is "acrochordons".

Different Types of Warts - What is a Foot Wart

Foot warts are a type of warts that can be found at the bottom of the foot. A foot wart is about 1cm in diameter and is generally paler than the nearby skin. It has tiny black dots at the centre.

What Are the 5 Main Types of Skin Moles?

Different types of skin moles have different characteristics and properties. It is therefore important to be aware of the main types of skin moles that exist.

What is a Wart?

A wart is a small and rough tumor that grows on your skin, more commonly on your hands and feet. It can however grow on other parts of your body. Warts are very common and generally they are non-cancerous.

Your Warts - 4 Ways to Improve Your Immune System to Fight Them in a Natural Way

Warts are caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus or HPV. This virus is contagious and you can get it from other individuals or contaminated places. Children are more prone to get it. Most probably this occurs because they have a less strong immune system then older individuals do.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Warts on the Face - Are They Diminishing Your Self Esteem?

warts on the face how to removeWarts on the face are more common in children and adolescents, but other older individuals may also have them. Warts on the face are a viral infection caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are mainly of two types, namely flat warts and common warts.

Being overly conscious about facial warts will adversely affect your self-esteem. This is particularly for teenagers. Some individuals with facial warts may be more inhibited than necessary and so this affects their social life. Because of this they may be needlessly unhappy and sometimes even depressed.

It is however true that having a large number of them on your face may change your appearance. Some women are quite scared as they look at the mirror and see those bumps on their face. Some may also refrain looking at the mirror because of them.

However it needs to be said that we have the tendency to exaggerate our problems. Women are especially concerned about their looks. But common sense needs to prevail also. Those warts on the face are in reality much less monstrous than one might imagine.

If you are overly concerned, remember that there are many ways that can help you to get rid of them, prevent them to re-occur and if you do not have them, prevent them as much as you can so that you will not be infected by the HPV and get them.

It is very important to strengthen your immune system since this fights infections such as those of the HPV. This may be done by eating healthy food, drink a lot of water, sleep adequately, stop smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages in excess and try to avoid stress as far as possible.

Perhaps warts on the face are more common on children than on any other age group. Children may also be conscious about their facial warts and this may lower their self esteem.

It is very important to teach your children that the large majority of them will disappear after several months or some years. Further more it is important that our children learn about the importance of being beautiful inside, the importance of helping others and the need to build meaningful and healthy relationships with their peers.

Remember that we are both physical and spiritual beings and we have to take care of both in order to lead happy and fulfilling lives.

You can also nurture in children certain habits. Children have a tendency to scratch their warts. These habits will only transfer the HPV from the warts to other parts of the body. Other important precautions involve not going bare footed where the human papilloma virus thrives. These include humid and hot places such as swimming pools, bathroom floors and gyms.

Finally if the self esteem of the individual is so adversely affected by the warts on the face, there are many ways that you can do to get rid of them. These range form over the counter medications, home treatments and even surgical procedures.

Whatever treatment you choose keep in mind that certain treatments may leave a scar. So be very well informed about this. Remember that you are treating warts on the face and any left scar is visible.

Warts, Moles and Skin Tags - Can They Develop Into Cancer?

can a mole turn into skin cancer

Skin tags pose no real danger. They will not develop into a cancerous growth. However sometimes they may be irritating especially if they are found around the collar. You may even decide to remove a skin tag for cosmetic reasons.

When one considers warts, particular attention needs to be taken in the case of genital warts, since these may be transmitted to others. Moreover sometimes genital warts may develop into a cancerous growth. Therefore if you have genital warts you should consult your physician right away.

Moles may develop into a cancerous growth. It is therefore important to take appropriate care of any changes that can occur to any mole. If you have many moles on you body it is not a bad idea to have regular checks.

Take particular attention after summer because the sun rays may make a mole develop into melanoma or cancer of the skin.

Consider any changes that you notice to any of your moles. Specifically you must consult your physician if a mole changes it's:

• Shape
• Size
• Elevation
• Color

You must also consult your physician if your mole starts to itch or the nearby skin starts to irritate you or starts to discolor.

Moreover certain moles have more probability of developing in a cancer than others. Asymmetric moles are at a more elevated risk to develop into a cancer. The same also applies to irregular moles. Further more moles with a variation of tones have also an increased risk of developing into a cancerous growth.

What Are the 3 Main Attributes of Warts?

removing cauliflower wartA wart is a small non-cancerous tumor that grows on the outer layer of the skin.

It generally resembles a cauliflower and its color is usually a bit different from the nearby skin. It is usually painless but sometimes it may itch or burn. Some type of warts group into clusters.

They are caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV. There are many stains of the human papilloma virus and different stains may cause different types of warts. The human papilloma virus is contagious.

All type of warts share a few basic attributes and characteristics:

• Autoinculable and Contagious

This means that they can be "passed" to another person through skin contact or by touching an object that was previously touched by the infected person.

The best environment for the HPV to thrive is warm and moist habitats. Therefore it can easily be found in certain places such as:

• Public Shower floors
• Public Bathrooms
• Locker rooms
• Near public swimming pools
• Gyms

It helps to refrain from walking bare footed in such areas as far as possible in order to decrease the chances of getting the virus through small cuts in your skin.

An individual may be a carrier of HPV and not have any wart. This is because not all carriers of this virus will develop into a wart. Further more a wart may take time to develop after the individual had contacted the virus.

Some people can transmit this virus without having any sign of warts themselves.

• Sprawling and Reproducing

Not only can they spread from person to person, they can spread also locally. They are capable of forming "child" growths and spread in the immediate area of infection. Treatment should be prioritized due to this spreading threat. It is also important to prevent them from coming back.

• Infectious

Apart from just spreading at the site of infection, they can spread to other regions of the body. The spread especially occurs when other areas are open or cut in some way.

You can reduce spreading warts by actively using disinfectants and by not letting anyone come in direct contact with your warts.

What Are the 5 Main Types of Skin Moles?

types of skin moles

Different types of skin moles have different characteristics and properties. It is therefore important to be aware of the main types of skin moles that exist.

Skin moles are growths on the skin. They are usually round or oval-shaped. Their color is generally brown but can vary to different shades.

They are very common and they can occur all over the body but they occur more frequently on the trunk of the body, face and arms.

There are mainly 5 types:

remove junctional molesJunctional Moles: These are typically some shade of brown and can be very slightly raised above the skin or completely flat

compound mole removal

Compound Moles: These growths are usually raised and can be of a tan shade all the way through the color wheel to a deep brown. This type involves melanocytes (which are the cells that produce our skin color) and can be found in the upper and lower layers of the skin.

dermal moles removal

Dermal Moles: These types of growths can contain hair and are very common on the upper half of the body. They can be the same color as the flesh all the way through a dark brown.

how to remove blue moles

Blue Moles: These are always raised slightly and as the name indicates are a deep brown or blue in color. They pull this color from deep down in the skin. Women have these type of growths much more commonly than men.

sebaceous moles removal

Sebaceous Moles: This type of growth does not resemble the rest in that they are very rough to the touch and typically yellow in color. They are caused by oil glands being a bit over-active

Most of the different types of growths are non-cancerous but if your notice any changes in them you should seek medical attention. Some may develop into a cancerous growth.

What Causes Skin Moles?

causes of skin moles
Skin moles are growths on the skin, often round or oval-shaped with a dark color. The color may however vary to different shades. Some skin moles are flat while others are a bit raised from the skin.

A skin mole is caused by the melanocyte cells in the skin. These cells produce melanin and are responsible for the color of the skin, eyes and hair. It is formed when melanocyte cells do not spread thought the skin but grow in clusters.

Usually melanocyte cells grow normally and so the growth is usually benign. However in certain cases the melanocye cells may start to grow in an abnormal way, which may result in melanoma, a cancer of the skin.

Skin moles are very common. Most of them are present at birth while others appear as the person grows older. Some may also disappear with age. Their main causes depend mainly on:

- Heredity
- Exposure to sunlight
- Hormonal changes
- Age

causes of moles on faceThey may become darker.

The principle reason for this is too much exposure to sunlight. Heavy exposure to sunlight during childhood and the teenage years highly increases the chances of developing new skin moles or that current ones increase in size. Sun beds and tanning saloons can also increase their growth.

Our genes determine many factors. If your parents have plenty of skin moles, probably you will have a lot too. Further more a history of skin cancer in your family also increases the risk that a mole may grow or develops into a cancerous growth.

The Unbiased Wart and Mole Vanish Review

wart mole vanish reviews
Itching to get rid of those annoying warts and moles in your skin? Get excited, because Wart and Mole Vanish is out in the market now. It is reputed to be the only 20-minute removal product for moles, warts, skin tags and more. This Wart and Mole Vanish Review will tell you all about this amazing product.

This product  is safe and all natural wart and mole removal product. This award winning product comes from Pristine Herbal Touch. The best thing about this is that you can apply the product easily at your own home. It is just as effective as more expensive surgical methods and expensive creams, in terms of removing warts, genital warts, hand warts, HPV, moles, skin tags, syringoma and more.

This Wart and Mole Vanish Review gives kudos to Wart and Mole Vanish product for its almost instant results. All you do is apply the product on the problem area. Leave it on for 20 minutes, and don't get worried if you feel a little stinging feeling. A scab will replace the mole the next day, and wait for a couple of days before it comes off and reveals new skin. Sounds like a miracle, but it really does work.
mole removal before and after
Thousands of people have tried this top of the line product and are simply amazed with its effective results. This is all due to the extensive 25 years of research by Research and Development that have successfully created this amazing product. We bet that after reading this mole and wart removal review, you'll go straight to their website and order yourself the top mole removal product.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2967104

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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

How to Remove and Treat Warts Naturally and Safely

treating warts natural remediesHaving warts, no matter how small or where they are, is always less than pleasant. Warts can appear almost anywhere on the body and can take a long time to disappear without treatment, sometimes up to two years. Many common warts, such as plantar warts and flat warts, are caused by an underlying, incurable virus called human papillomavirus (HPV).

HPV can cause outbreaks of warts in various parts of the body and at different times. It is also the underlying cause of genital warts, which is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). The virus can lay dormant for a while and then suddenly be triggered by a weakened immune system and cause an outbreak. Besides HPV, there are other types of warts called molluscs, which are caused by molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV). These are bumps most often found in children and are highly contagious.

For years, wart victims have treated this problem in different ways. Warts can be frozen, burned with acids or removed surgically. But today, more and more people are choosing natural alternatives to remove and cure their warts. There are now essential oils and special formulas to remove warts that allow a natural and safe removal of warts.

Why Go With Natural Wart Healing?

Natural wart healing and removal offers a few very amazing benefits. Probably one of the greatest benefits is that many natural remedies can permanently remove the warts, and they won't grow back later. With freezing, burning, or cutting the wart, there's always a great risk that it will grow back. Why is this? Warts should be drawn out from the root upwards. When warts are drawn out from the root, they flake away and will not grow back. Another benefit is the natural methods can be performed at home. Also, you will save money on doctor visits and medical procedures.

Wart Removal Products

There are a number of wart removal products available online. Look for products that contain an effective formula using essential oils such as tea tree oils or plant oils that are anti-viral and can stop warts at the root and heal the warts gently. Look for essential oil formulas that are 100 percent pure and natural, organic, without the use of pesticides and harmful fertilizers. Wart removal oils are rubbed directly onto the wart over a period of days and usually cause no pain while the wart is being dissolved.

It is especially important to choose a gentle method of wart removal and healing if you have genital warts. Genital warts appear in very sensitive areas of the body, and you should take care not to apply harmful chemicals to the warts in these areas. Other natural remedies believed to help warts include garlic, vitamin E oil, and supplements with vitamins A and C (to strengthen immunity) during the wart removal and healing process.

If you have been infected with a wart virus, consult with a doctor about the best methods for removal and do research online to find essential oils that are right for you. Also, take steps to strengthen your body's immune system. This can help prevent future outbreaks.

Go online today to find essential oil formulas to eliminate common warts, genital warts, and even skin tags. You will be happy to finally have a relief of these hideous warts!