Monday, March 4, 2019

Symptoms of Genital Warts

The symptoms of genital warts can be many and varied, and in some cases they can even be confused with something else. This is especially true if the genital condition of HPV does not manifest itself physically such as warts.

A person can have all the symptoms of genital warts and not display warts. Another reason to confuse the symptoms of genital warts with something else is that sometimes the genital warts themselves can be almost invisible to the naked eye.

In these cases, your attending physician will consider your genital warts symptoms and will take additional steps to decide whether or not you have genital warts. This can be done in different ways, the most common being to dab a little acetic acid (vinegar to the layman) on the area suspected of having warts.

The symptoms of genital warts can also be omitted if the warts are found in the vaginal walls. In this case, the many symptoms of genital warts can be seen as symptoms of another condition, such as a yeast infection. That's why it's always wise to seek help immediately if you start having any of the genital warts symptoms.

An accurate diagnosis of your condition can help you receive the best possible treatment for you. Without that, and with self-diagnosis, you may be dealing with the wrong problem.

This in itself has consequences in that using the wrong medication to treat a condition in your body can get used to this medicine, which will make it useless if you need it the most.

In addition, ignoring the symptoms of genital warts and leaving your condition untreated can lead to the appearance of more serious conditions, such as cancer of the cervix. It is also quite possible that if you have recurrent symptoms of genital warts, it could be a precursor to a more serious disease such as cervical cancer or even HIV-AIDS.

In these cases, genital warts do not necessarily have to be the cause of the medical condition, but rather the signs or symptoms of the medical condition.

That's why it's doubly important that you have an appropriate checkup if you have genital warts symptoms. You can then get the proper treatment needed to help you get rid of your genital warts.

However, although you can fight the symptoms of genital warts, the underlying virus, the human papillomavirus (HPV), can not be cured.

Your immune system will have to do it itself, without any medication, although there is now an HPV vaccine that can be given to a select group of women to stop the onset of HPV symptoms and warts genital.


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